Thursday, April 27, 2006

You burn at both ends, yet still you're fine...

I should start by explaining today's 'Blog title - It's a line from a song on Zero 7's rather excellent new album, The Garden. The song in question is a great one, and this particular line seems to capture how life is going for me right now. Why am I burning the candle at both ends you ask? Well, it's something to do with this little lot:

Yes, thats right, I have just one or two reviews and article to write at the moment. ;o) On top of that, I'm currently trying to finalise going to CTS in Birmingham in a couple of weeks (I have my press pass already), and also arrange some other cool things for Elite Bastards. As per usual of course, this isn't me complaining so much as loving life - Call me a masochist, but I'm loving the hectic lifestyle at the moment.

Aside from that nice little pile of work, all is well in the world - The new car is great, life is smooth and relaxed despite being so busy... Oh, and there's the ever so small matter of Arsenal reaching the Champions League final on Tuesday night. Apologies to anyone in a five mile radius of me that evening for the foul-mouthed tirades and uncontrolled shouts of joy coming from my vicinity, particularly during those heart-in-mouth final few minutes. Of course, I have to go through that whole trauma all over again in three weeks time, but I wouldn't swap it for anything - As someone who never thought I'd live to watch Arsenal play in a Champions League final, it really is a dream come true, win or lose on the night.

So, I think that covers everything going on in my world for now, so back to rifling through that pile of hardware...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My new baby!

I just picked it up from the garage, and brought it home... My new pride and joy!

Friday, April 07, 2006


I just wanted to write a quick message here to all of you who expressed concern about my last Blog entry, and/or my lack of contribution in certain places as of late. The fact that people have even taken the time out to ask has been a real comfort to me, so thanks to all of you who had me in their thoughts. :)

Anyway, I think it's only fair to tell everyone the full story of what has been going on in recent months to help you all understand what's being going on in my private life as of late, so here's the scoop:

The whole thing started just after Christmas really - Me and Tara got talking again, she said she felt like she'd made a big mistake leaving the way she did, that things weren't going well and that she really regretted and was sorry for what she'd done.

So, over the past few months, we carried on talking, even met a couple of times. It came to a head a few weeks ago, when she said that she'd really like to get things back how they were. We started talking about how to go about things, when to do it, and so on.

Until a couple of weeks ago - I got an e-mail from her out of the blue, saying that she'd been thinking about things and had decided that she wanted a divorce after all. Later that week, she called and told me she wanted me to pay at least half of the divorce fees, and basically gave me a whole lot of attitude. Of course, I gave her some back, and said no way was I paying that much after everything she'd done, and the whole thing ended rather unpleasantly.

Eventually, she agreed to pay all of the fees if I paid for and organised the initial filing (which I have to do, she can't because it was her who commited adultery), and has left it all up to me for now. Anyway, that's kind of beside the point.. The whole event has left me feeling all of the pain, anger and heartbreak of a few months ago all over again, only worse this time.

Mentally, I'm on the mend again, but it really was a big blow. So, thanks again for your support guys and girls (and you know who you are), it really has made a big difference to me bouncing back.

On a far more positive, and entirely unrelated, note; There's a new Boards of Canada EP being released in June. Can you say excited?!?!