Monday, April 18, 2005

A blast from the past

I spent part of my morning at work today installing and configuring a CD-ROM drive on a Windows 3.11-based system - Talk about retro! It's been years since I've so much as touched Windows 3.1, I was pleasantly surprised that I remembered all the necessary items (as well as managing to remember the jumper configuration for an absolutely ancient 300MB Maxtor hard drive - How sad am I?!).

What really shocks me is that the company I work at still relies on these kinds of system and software which point blank refuses to run on anything over and above Windows 3.11. This is in-house software too, which people have had.. Oooh, over ten years to update - But do they? Do they Hell!! Nope, instead they bitch to the IT department about how we no longer allow such systems on our corporate network or how they're incompatible with our Active Directory setup. Ah well, c'est la vie....

Outside of that amusing distraction, life is cool enough really, minus some Elite Bastards-related stress today - Although the ending of the saga in question wasn't the ideal one from our point of view, hopefully it still leaves everybody relatively happy. Nothing is worth messing up friendships or burning bridges over is my philosophy, and I'd like to think it's served me well here. Now, what I really need is for someone to whip me around the skull with something heavy until I get to work on the review which is sat waiting for me. Perhaps they can whip me around the skull with a PCI Express GeForce 6800GT, I could do with one for a little while soon? :oP


Jollemi said...

That's normal company policy working like charm. Don't throw money at anything if it works good enough as it is. I've even seen some metal industry machines built in the 60's, still in work. And those were in a corporation that wouldn't have any problems replacing it with newer model if they just wanted to. I've even heard that some businesses still use Commodore 64s (and in western countries, not in an African tribe). And the sad part is that I understand completely why not to update old stuff. I blame my business studies ;)

Anonymous said...

Dude, my company has an enterprise-critical app that requires Win3.0! Uggggggly!


Barry said...

:( Maybe you should make a replacement program and charge the company appropriately.