Monday, August 14, 2006

Boom! Shake The (Server) Room

Whoops, I did it again - We got Slashdotted. Needless to say, the server is taking a pounding at the moment, the site is all but inaccessible, and our traffic is through the roof. It's nice to be popular, but sorry for all you guys and girls who are having to live without your fix of Elite Bastards for a while. Normal service will be resumed shortly... Until the next time it happens. ;)


Unknown said...

Keep on breaking our server, it's kind of getting fun. :)

BTW-The server actually held up a lot better this time than the last time, what up with that?

(Yeah, I'm kind of checking to see if you check your blog....)

Hanners said...

Yes, I am checking it. ;)

I'm not sure that it really held up any better, but that's just me. :p

Unknown said...

Pessimist! :P