Sunday, May 28, 2006

Victory for the Comic Muse

Well, it's 'Blog time again (otherwise known as that time when I try to avoid review work like the Plague ;) ) - Things are still pleasantly busy here, with plenty of articles to write, and another trip to London for an ATI briefing recently. As always, some interesting stuff was on offer, and it was good to catch up face-to-face with Rys again, however briefly.

We've also finally (although somewhat temporarily) transistioned across to our new-look front page at Elite Bastards, which is a sight for sore eyes and should help us both with promoting our own content and being ready for future improvements and the like. Aside from that, not much else to report on that front.

Book-wise, I finished reading The Da Vinci Code this week (Yes, I know I must be the last living person to read it!). In all honesty, I found the final stages of the book and its twist and turns too implausible to enjoy, so all in all it was a little disappointed. Still, it's back to my Haruki Murakami reading spree after this, which I would hazard a guess at being far more down my street if it's even a patch on The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles.

Musically, far too much of my time has been spent listened to the new Boards of Canada EP, Trans Canada Highway, ad infinitum. Predictably, it's Boards of Canada so I love it. Today I got hold of a copy of the new Divine Comedy album (see this Blog entry title for its name!), which seems excellent from my first listen, almost like everything Morrissey's last album could have been but wasn't in some ways.

Arsenal lost the Champions League Final, but did their fans proud which in itself was more than I was hoping for. More importantly, the weekend before they claimed forth place in the Premiership and a Champions League spot for next season, deliciously at the expense of Tottenham. Henry is staying now too, so things are looking up again for the Gunners. :D

Finally, over the past week or so I've been somewhat taking stock of my life after everything that has gone on in the past year or so, and I came to a somewhat startling discovery - I'm actually happier now than I was a year ago. Love being blind and all that, a year ago I was largely fooling myself into thinking I'd found happiness, when in reality I was anything but. I used to go home from work every day wondering what mood swings or accusations would be thrown at me, I was constantly having to try and pick my way through the swathe of pathological lies fired in my direction, and I was unable to voice my own true opinions without being shouted down or risking the aforementioned mood swings or accusations - To put it simply, every day was a draining and stressful experience. Oh, and then there was copious periods of time listening to Bryan Ferry and pre-Avalon Roxy Music... How did I ever survive?!

Now, in contrast, I have the time to pursue my own ambitions rather than being expected to bolster someone elses, can listen to the music and watch the shows I like, and more importantly I'm surrounded by people who genuinely share my tastes in general, and have respect and time for my opinions. It's really quite liberating. Vive la difference!!! :D


Jollemi said...

Women are just too much at times. No wonder there are so many single men out there (including me) :)

Hanners said...

Well, women I can deal with - Women that are sociopathic, pathological liars like my ex are another thing entirely.

Jollemi said...

Yea, women ;)

Anonymous said...

hey now, we aren't ALL psychos like that slut! ;)

great to see you back to your old self Andy, really missed laughing and joking around with you while times were rough :)


Anonymous said...

nooooo, you deleted my reponse to emo boy! :(

still, least you got rid of his garbage too. ;) pretentious tosser.

Anonymous said...

That's it... delete and censor anything you don't like and bury your head in the sand. Very mature of you!

Anonymous said...

P.S. 'emo' and 'boy' - wrong on both counts. Good job!

I also fail to see how arguing for a mature, amicable end to all this is 'pretentious'. I'm not the one throwing names about and insulting people I've never met.

Tara doesn't want to be with Andy, and is happier without him. I knew her when she was with him, and she was miserable and confused. He is also happier without her. The answer seems simple enough to me - stop talking about it on this blog and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

That is all.

Hanners said...

In case you haven't noticed, this is a place for MY thoughts, not yours - If you don't like it, start your own Blog rather than polluting mine with your ill-formed opinions on things you know nothing about - And really, there is a LOT you don't know about, trust me. You have nothing to add here but the nonsense and poison you've been fed by your organ grinder, and this isn't a democracy, so I'll handle any comments here as I see fit.

As for Laura's emo boy remark - Well, if the boot fits... ;)

Unknown said...

Do something about it? He already has! :rofl:

How can he have a "mature and amicable" end with a lying psycho who betrayed him and won't stop harrassing him after the fact?

If you can answer that one, we might have the basis of a dialogue to work from...

Anonymous said...

She isn't 'harrassing' him, she just wants a divorce so they can both put this behind them and move on, and he won't even send her an e-mail by the sounds of it.

Apologies for interrupting your private thoughts - just don't like to see a friend slagged off by people who don't know her, or the truth about anything. I guess they'll all believe your side, and I'll believe hers - it's irrelevant who is right or wrong really.

We all want the same thing, the two of you to put an end to this and be happy. I'm sure we can agree on that much.

Hanners said...

Aside from the fact that I have better things to spend my time and money on right now, it's kind of hard to reply to e-mails I've never received...

Anyway, aside from ignoring the irony of being told that nobody hear knows 'the truth', I think that's enough entertainment for one day. If only there was a way I could close comment threads on this thing. :p

Anonymous said...

Well, this will be my last comment... basically, Tara said she'd pay for the divorce, so money is not an issue. She has e-mailed you several times over the past month, she thinks you're just ignoring her messages... so it is probably a good idea to get in touch with her.

Unknown said...

What makes you think Hanners is ok with letting her off that easy? Who wronged whom and who's convenience should we be worrying about?

I don't like friends being hung out to dry either, but I REALLY don't like friends having their hearts cut out and stomped on the ground in front of them.

Gotta ask yourself here a bit about who's the victim and who's the psycho lying bitch?

Anonymous said...

All I will say is that yes, it sounds like Tara did a lot wrong... but she is a changed character now. I and all her other friends have seen big shifts in her life. She came over to this country, married to a man she thought she knew but had only met ONCE (to get married), and found herself in a life she didn't want, thousands of miles from friends and family.

What she did was wrong and, from Andy's perspective, understandably unforgivable... but there are two sides to every coin. They both have to take responsibility for entering into marriage with a stranger, then trying to make it work. That situation was a recipe for unhappiness and bad feeling.

Now that they have gone their separate ways, fingers can be pointed and blame cast both ways, but what is important isn't revenge and all that crap, it's everyone getting on with their lives. Drawing this out won't make Andy feel any better, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

sleeping with somebody else a few weeks after arriving here is "trying to make things work"? and what about all the times she cheated on him before she moved here?

theres only one guilty party here, and if you think shes changed since she left Andy then you havent been paying much attention. ;)


Unknown said...

I'm with you Laura. I can understand Anon wanting us to sympathize with her friend's position, but I hope they can understand if we choose not to as it was our friend who got hurt.

If Hanners needs some time to deal before he does anything, give him that time. Don't you think it's the very least she can do given what she has already done?!?

Anonymous said...

Don't you think a year is long enough though? Well, I guess everyone has to take their own time to get over things. It was really the fact that from the original blog Andy seemed to be coming to terms with stuff that made me comment at all! By the way, thank you for all being reasonable about this conversation... I genuinely mean nobody any ill here, just am concerned for my friend!

Anonymous said...

a year? its only been a few months, though of course if you believed her lies at the start youd think shes not even married.