Thursday, October 27, 2005

Big changes, familiar faces - The future of Elite Bastards

I mentioned a couple of days ago I'd reserve a separate post for some Elite Bastards-related goodness, so here is the news as promised.

As of Sunday, I officially took over the financial support of Elite Bastards. I now pay the bills and the server is in my name so, officially speaking, I'm the new owner (and/or Editor-in-Chief if you prefer) of the site. This won't really have any obvious impact on the day-to-day running of the site - Zarathustra will still do his thing when the server needs it, Quinn is still webmaster and all round 'making things look pretty' guy, and I'll be churning out news and content as much as possible. The big change really is that obviously running a web site such as ours isn't always a cheap business, and my recently changed circumstances mean that I can offer the site both the time and financial stability it requires to grow and prosper - Good news I'm sure you'll agree.

My first act after making this change was to sort out an issue that has plagued the site for some time - Its lack of RAM. I'm sure many of you have noticed periods of slowness or inaccessibility after new articles had been published, and this was due to the lack of memory required to handle a large number of concurrent connections. I've now had the amount of RAM in the server upgraded from 512MB to a much healthier 1.5GB, and even before we've tweaked the configuration of the server to make the most of this new memory things are looking far smoother. Our next priority is to move to a new Content Management System, but I wouldn't want to say when that'll be finished, seeing as it was originally slated for this Summer. ;o) Beyond that, I have a few ideas of things I'd like to see happen at the site, but that's one for the future.

To close, I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Zarathustra for the considerable time and money he's ploughed into the site thus far, without which we wouldn't be here right now. And of course, thanks to all of the staff for their contributions to the development of Elite Bastards.

I'm always open to suggestions as to improvements or changes to the site from any angle, so if anyone ever has any ideas, you know where to find me.


Unknown said...

No pants Friday, you need to start up no pants Friday again....

Hanners said...

I didn't realise no pants Friday had ever stopped.....

Anonymous said...

no pants? you'll be able to knock one out when you're stalking women now won't you?

Unknown said...

Wow! You're moving up in the world Hanners, you got a spambot on your blog! :D

Unknown said...

Oh, anonymous? I know who you are and I sort of already want to bust your knee caps with a baseball bat, please don't make me set up a flight. :roll:

Anonymous said...

Whee, good news! Good luck with it all. This shit we do ain't easy :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the praise in the post. Oh and I believe in no pants day every day ;) Given I like to take it a step further by putting on snap pants just so I can rip them off to be pantsless.

Anonymous said...

Andy, I'd just like to say, for what it's worth, that anonymous post down there wasn't my doing and I have at no point left you any 'derogatory comments', it's not my style - I've only ever posted on here once, stating what was the truth at the time, and you deleted it. I have no intention of ever contacting you again, and I'd appreciate it if you could stop contacting me, my girlfriend and my band too.


Hanners said...

As I explained to my soon-to-be ex-wife, the only contact I've had has all been instigated by her, and I certainly haven't been in touch with either you or your band, neither of which I could give a monkeys about quite frankly.

So, I would suggest that next time you visit, you check your paranoia at the door rather than making an ass of yourself in front of so many people who are already far from likely to add you to their Christmas card list, to put it mildly.

Unknown said...

Hey Harry, could you drop me an e-mail at ? It'd save a public display and make things a whole lot more pleasant for ya....

Anonymous said...

Blog you bastard BLOG

Anonymous said...

Hey cunty, it was me not him. You also contacted me with your rantings and I'd be only too happy to post them for your friends to see. True to form you appear to be threatening violence, are you clinically depressed as well as an hideous uggo? Please seek medical help.

You state you don't want any contact with that dude, then mere hours later, offer your email for further chats! Can't control yourself can you? Fuckwit.

Hanners said...

You seem to be getting somewhat confused - Me and digitalwanderer are not the same person, so I'd advise you take your psychopathic rantings elsewhere.