Monday, October 24, 2005

It's my birthday, no-one here day, very strange day...

If the subject title isn't clue enough, today is my 26th birthday. It isn't quite the day I was expecting it to be a few weeks ago, but oddly enough I feel very content about the whole thing. It's been pretty much an ordinary day spent at work, then coming home to cook myself a fantastic meal (If I may say so myself! I tend to hugely downplay my abilities in the kitchen due to the simple fact that I don't really like cooking), just generally relaxing for a bit, and soon I'll be settling down with a stack of anime and a bottle of wine. I really can't find cause to complain about that... :oP

Aside from Tara leaving at the end of last week, I was also saddled with a nightmarish cold (Which still hasn't disappeared completely) which has left me pretty drained for a few days now. Thankfully, it didn't stop me crawling out of bed to deal with answers to an interview I organised some time ago. It turned out to be one of the best, most well-received articles I can remember at Elite Bastards, which is always pleasing, although to be honest most if not all of the credit should go to Voudoun and John Reynolds for their work in compiling the questions. Let's be honest, it's the questions and answers people read these things for, not any nonsense I spout by way of an introduction! There is another point of Elite Bastards business which should be mentioned here, but I'll save it for another day and another post as it's too important (to my mind) to bury in with everything else. It's good news though, mark my words. :o)

The joint mess of separation and cold have meant not a lot of benchmarking has been done lately, and to make things worse when I did go to crack on with it yesterday my test rig which I was trying to rebuild was playing up something chronic. I've left it to it's own devices today, but tomorrow I'll attack it with vigour to hopefully get back on track. What makes it more frustrating is that my current testing project isn't even for Elite Bastards at all, but for another site I've written for in the past, that doesn't begin with H. ;o) Ah well, fingers crossed it'll behave tomorrow.

Anyway, enough rambling from me for today. Now, where's that bottle opener...


isa's memories said...

Hey happy birthday to you!

I wish you a good day afterall.

Take care,

Isa, (you dont know me) :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Hanners!!!

Peace Angel (err.. you know me)

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday!

Have a happy one and may some wonderfuller things happen to you this year. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Sir! Hope it was a good one, sorry I wasn't paying enough attention to our little world to notice, doh!

Three cheers!