Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Ever had one of those weeks...

Where nothing goes right? Work yesterday was pretty crappy, and when I said to Tara "At least things can't get any worse" - They get worse. Not due to work, but instead thanks to my Mum spending a morning in hospital thanks to some idiotic coach driver slamming into the back of her car. She seems okay thankfully, whiplash and aches and pains aside, but not the start to the day I wanted to hear, it stressed me out to put it mildly. The boot (or trunk, for American readers) of the car is shot to pieces, horribly bent out of shape to the point where it won't close - God knows how long that'll take to get fixed.

Work is also still sucking today - I've had enough work piled on me in the last couple of days to literally last me a year, nobody seems to understand exactly what it is I'm doing and why it can take so long to get things just right. Even when I do get things done I don't remember being thanked for it.

Okay, rant mode over now - Yesterday evening did bear some happy news, with Tara getting together all the forms we need to sort out for her to come and live over here. A small step really, but I can't help but be excited, it's another step towards triggering the domino effect that my life has seemed to line up as to get everything where I want it. Continuing the good news, I'll also be receiving a couple of video cards to review, although there is a strange feeling of deja vu surrounding them.... ;o)

Finally, today is election day in the US. Yes, I'm English, but I guess you could say having an American wife gives me a vested interest in these things - I've taken a much keener interest in US politics in the last four years, so there's a strange feeling of excitement/trepidation about the results. Whatever happens though, life goes on, whatever idiocy the politicans dream up next...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The election results are bumming and depressing the hell out of me, but I got some damned good news about a friend of mine who is having some career success up the yim-yam. 8)

Thanks, I needed some happy news and this is the best I could get....and I do think ya know what I'm talking about.

Run with it buddy, and enjoy the trip...I have a feeling you just started on an incredible and rewarding adventure that I think will bring you much satisfaction, reward, and of course piles and piles of dosh! ;)